Category Archives: pop-up

Rosh Hashana Cards and Spoiler Alert

If your name is Dave and you are my brother-in-law you may want to look away now. Or you may ruin the surprise that is due to arrive at your house in a few days. Or you can do like I used to do at Christmas when I was a kid and peek anyway!

My niece and nephews on my husband’s side are Jewish.  This means I get to be creative for certain holidays during the year. I use my winter stamps to create Hanukkah cards instead of Christmas cards and I send Spring themed cards in place of the Easter cards that my other  nieces and nephews get.  But I recently made cards for one holiday that belongs to Eli, Addie and Sam alone; Rosh Hashana!

This first card is for Addie and it was made possible by the generosity of an artist named DragonCid who posts on I asked permission to use this cute apple and honey image and DragonCid said yes!

I read that it is part of the Jewish tradition to eat apples and honey on the New Year in hopes of a sweet year. So I took that theme and I ran with it. I just love the cute little face on this apple. That is sweet enough for me.

Next up is Eli who loves all kinds of vehicles. Remember these cute characters from  Richard Scarry’s, Busytown?

Don’t ask my why the worm, who has no arms, is the driver in this image. Maybe the cat has a suspended license or something.

 Here is a view from the top. You can see that I used larger dimensional stickers in the middle and thinner ones on the sides to create a rounded look for the apple. I also used Glossy Effects to create the windshield.

Sam was a bit trickier to create a card for, since he is a 5th grader. I wanted to create something youthful but, not babyish.  Sweet but not sickeningly so because, let’s face it, according to the Jewish tradition he will be a man in 3 short years! I think it would be awesome if Sam could grow a cool handlebar mustache 3 years from now but, I think the man thing is more metaphorical or something.

 Hopefully I found that balance for Sam.

And last but, not least, I made a card for Jill and Dave. The card is a flip card and they are fun and easy to make if you have the die cut like I do. However, they are kind of tricky to photograph so I hope you get the idea.

 the front   inside

L’shanah Tovah! Which from what I can gather on the internet, means Happy New Year At least I hope it does or I will look like a schmuck! (I know what that word means)

Happy Stamping,





Pretty Sneaky, sis!

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My sister Jeanne sent me the cutest card for my birthday this year. Of course it is a pop-up card (her specialty) but, it is also personalized too.


The inside of the card features a photo of me popping out of the Polaroid camera. Jeanne must have hijacked that photo off of my Facebook account. Pretty sneaky, sis! (Remember the OLD connect four commercials when the boy used to say that when his sister won?)

Thanks you Jeanne for my card and to all of my friends who called, txt’d and Facebooked me a happy birthday last week.

Happy Stamping,



Magic Window Card Monkey

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 I made this card for my mother Janet, who is in a physical rehabilitation center for the next week or two.

The past two weeks have been very hectic for me and my family. My mother fell and broke her hip on Sunday April 22nd. Mom is only 74 but she has brittle bones and fast walking feet. It rained that Sunday and as my mother scurried into the daycare hall of her church, she forgot that wet shoes and shiny vinyl floors don’t mix.

Although,I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers I am the only sibling who lives close to my mother and father. So I had a lot of phone calls to make that day. I tried to keep the worry out of my voice as I passed along the bad news. My mother made that easy for me because, she had such a good attitude about her accident. I was able to tell my siblings that Mom was really impressed “how cute and buff the EMT’s were”. But she was also miffed because they had to cut off her her pants and she “only has two pair of pants good enough for church!” That little bit of mom-isms told my brothers and sisters everything they needed to know…That mom was hurting but, she was still her indomitable, unflappable self.

I wanted to make something that would make my mother smile but, also let her know, that she really was a strong woman whom I admire. So I tried my hand at my very first Magic Window card.


The inside of the card is stamped with a sentiment that reads “Everything will be fine in the end. If it isn’t fine, it isn’t the end”.

Happy Stamping,


Flipping Over Spinner Cards

In an effort to add some more cute and fun cards to my selection for a craft show I will be vending in in April I made some spinner cards. These cards are fun for kids or adults (I know because I am one. An adult that is.) and although they are simple to make, they never fail to impress.

I am going to share the photos of the cards as well as the link to see them in action on youtube. (My daughter Sam was my graceful hand model for the videos.)

Spinner Card


Spinning dolphin card

Make a Splash Spinning Dolphin



Happy Stamping,


Card Making can be a Family Affair.

My sister Jeanne makes cards too. I wanted to share a few with you today. This first card is a simple cutout design but, it features a cool spinning star and sparkly glitter! Nothing says holidays like a little bling.



Jeanne personalized this next card with a photo of her cat Kishou and of the card recipients’ dog Cocoa. How cute would it be to get a card that had your own furry little friend featured in it? I especially love the extra touch of the paw printed card in the foreground!



This last card welcomes a new baby boy into the world with an awesome pop-up inside! Just like in the old fairytales a stork flies in to deliver a bundle of joy. My big sister’s pop-up cards never fail to impress me. (Jeanne has more patience than me.)

Another Awesome Pop-up Card

This is another cool card my sister made for me for my birthday. Jeanne’s cards amaze me every time.

Lime Doodle Design

Card Making Inspiration by Debby Hughes

Better After

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.

Crafty Sisters

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.

Simon Says Stamp Blog!

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.


My Craft Room is My Happy Place.

Burton Avenue

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.

Birdie Brown

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.