Category Archives: Family Fun

A Little Dose of Parental Pride

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The start of this school year  for Sam was yesterday.  It is amazing to me that the years have flown by so quickly and that my kids could be as old as they are. Samantha is beginning high school and James is in the middle of his Army boot camp training. And all of that must mean that I am squarely in the middle of my 40’s and my empty nest years are just around the corner!

We are so proud of  Sam who will is consistently an A student and who will be a member of her school’s marching band this year. Her school offers block scheduling. That means that by the time that Sam is a Junior she will be nearly done with her high school courses and eligible for dual enrollment at the local state college. This really is the start of a very exciting time for her.

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A quick photo shoot before Sam left for the first day of school yesterday. I love her goofy poses best.

We are also very proud of our son James who is currently at basic training for the US Army. James has had a desire to join the military for as long as I can remember. He signed up with our permission in early spring and now he is training for a career in helicopter repair.

I was delighted when my mother informed me that she found the Facebook page for his unit and I in turn found some photos of James on that page.



As I scrolled through the photos I spotted this one of James. He is the only soldier in the photo looking off to his right, while all of the others look left. It made him easy to spot and it made me laugh out loud.



We are lucky to live in an era where we have the technology to share our lives across time and distance in such a simple way.  James’ unit commander posted pictures of the first week of boot camp and therefore we were able to see this cool shot of James repelling down a wall. Love it or hate it, Facebook is a wonderous thing indeed.

Now that our lives are settling back to a normal state (We moved our flooring showroom location and put our house on the market; all within the last 3 weeks) I will be posting again on a weekly basis.

Happy Stamping,


Summer Funky Hair Doo

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Our daughter Sam is 13 and although she likes her red hair, like all young teen girls, she wishes she could change her hair color like she changes nail polish. Last summer as a reward for being on A honor roll all year we allowed her to get a pink streak in her hair. It set me back about $30!

This year after coloring the ends of her bangs with black permanent marker she decided she wanted black tips. Her grandmother offered to take her to the hair dressers but, I thought we could do a decent dye job with a black root touch up kit. I spent $5.88 on the bottle and I think it looks cool! (She made all A  Honor Roll and perfect attendance this year!)

Ha ha. Caught her with a strange expression.

  I wound up getting dye all over her neck  because of the ginormous gloves, that come in the package. I don’t think  they realize that 5′ tall people don’t have hands that fit into one size fits all gloves!

All the black will probably fade out by the time she heads back to school in early August. And then she will have to wait around until next summer to have another “hair raising adventure”.  I just couldn’t pass up that opportunity for a pun.

Happy Stamping,


Lime Doodle Design

Card Making Inspiration by Debby Hughes

Better After

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.

Crafty Sisters

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.

Simon Says Stamp Blog!

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.


My Craft Room is My Happy Place.

Burton Avenue

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.

Birdie Brown

My Craft Room is My Happy Place.